Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Procreation Paralysis

Living in the Midwest is so absurd. I was at happy hour tonight, surrounded by other professional women, some who know me previously, some who do not.  One of the newbies, when discovering I do have a boyfriend, immediately asked “when are you getting married?” Ugh. For reals? I’m nearly 40 but  I look 35, I have a fabulous boyfriend, we travel and do fun things, I have an MBA, I earn $X (a hearty salary), I’m carrying a designer bag, and I just negotiated a kickass deal on my new ride. And yet? Not successful until I’m married. For the record, she’s a career woman, too; she was talking up a big business trip she has planned, and works closely with large organizations to help them reach their goals. But it always comes back to the ring… and the babies. I wouldn’t mind the ring but when it comes to babies? Totally unimportant to me - I’ll leave my legacy elsewhere and in other ways. But I still have to answer to society… as long as I’m here I’m nothing without a husband, a suburban home, and a child(ren). Makes me sad that women are still valued for their ability to pair up and procreate over and above their abilities in the workplace and career. When are we going to grow up and give ourselves new measures of success? 

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Fix It

I’ve never doubted that I was meant for something more in life. Somewhere deep in my soul I’ve always felt I was destined for greatness. Wealth, fame, extreme happiness, success, joy, excitement, an all-around fabulous life is my destiny. It’s not just that I’ve wanted these things – I actually feel like I should have this fabulous lifestyle I live in my head. I’m almost surprised when I don’t find a fabulous, expensive foreign sports car in my garage or get to spend weekends at my oceanfront home.

Alas, it hasn’t happened… yet. I’m not giving up hope. Ever. Although I did lose track for awhile; but I’m steering back on course (another cliché, anyone?).

I’ve always had a vivid imagination, even as an adult. But recently I started to wonder when I stopped dreaming. I’m not talking about what happens when I’m sleeping – I mean daydreams, fantasies, GOALS! Where did they go? I may be getting older but that’s no reason to give up. Sure, I have bills to pay and plenty of responsibilities but that doesn’t mean I should settle for a middle of the road existence.

Existing. I don’t want to do that… I want to LIVE!

So, I’m working on this… I gotta fix it. And I need to fix it now. No more negative self-talk, it’s time to think about possibilities. I have so many tools available to me and I’ve accomplished so many things already – why not more? Why not take it farther? Why not achieve my dreams? Oh yeah, because I lost touch with the dreams… hard to meet your goals when you don’t even know what they are anymore.

And that’s what I’m working on…